btdht.krcp module

class btdht.krcp.BError

Bases: exceptions.Exception

A base class exception for all bittorrent DHT protocol error exceptions

  • t (bytes) – The value of the key t of the query for with the error is returned
  • e (list) – A couple [error code, error message]
e = None

A list. The first element is an int representing the error code. The second element is a string containing the error message

t = None

string value representing a transaction ID, must be set to the query transaction ID for which an error is raises.

y = 'e'

The y key of the error message. For an error message, it is always b"e"


Bencode the error message

Returns:The bencoded error message ready to be send
Return type:bytes
class btdht.krcp.GenericError

Bases: btdht.krcp.BError

A Generic Error, error code 201

  • t (bytes) – The value of the key t of the query for with the error is returned
  • msg (bytes) – An optionnal error message
class btdht.krcp.MethodUnknownError

Bases: btdht.krcp.BError

Method Unknown, error code 204

  • t (bytes) – The value of the key t of the query for with the error is returned
  • msg (bytes) – An optionnal error message
class btdht.krcp.ProtocolError

Bases: btdht.krcp.BError

A Protocol Error, such as a malformed packet, invalid arguments, or bad token, error code 203

  • t (bytes) – The value of the key t of the query for with the error is returned
  • msg (bytes) – An optionnal error message
class btdht.krcp.ServerError

Bases: btdht.krcp.BError

A Server Error, error code 202

  • t (bytes) – The value of the key t of the query for with the error is returned
  • msg (bytes) – An optionnal error message
class btdht.krcp.BMessage

Bases: object

A bittorrent DHT message. This class is able to bdecode a bittorrent DHT message. It expose then the messages keys t, y, q, errno, errmsg and v as attributes, and behave itself as a dictionnary for the a or r keys that contains a secondary dictionnary (see Notes).

  • addr (tuple) – An optionnal coupe (ip, port) of the sender of the message
  • debug (bool) – True for enabling debug message. The default is False

A query message is always of the following form with y == b'q':

    "t": t,
    "y": y,
    "q": q, 
    "a": {...}

A response message is always of the following form with y == b'r':

    "t": t,
    "y": y,
    "r": {...}

An error message is always in response of a query message and of the following form with y == b'e':

    "t": t,
    "y": y,
    "e":[errno, errmsg]

The t key is a random string generated with every query. It is used to match a response to a particular query.

The y key is used to differenciate the type of the message. Its value is b'q' for a query, b'r' for a response, and b'e' for and error message.

The q is only present on query message and contain the name of the query (ping, get_peers, announce_peer, find_node)

errno and errmsg are only defined if the message is an error message. They are respectively the error number (int) and the error describing message of the error.

The v key is set by some DHT clients to the name and version of the client and is totally optionnal in the protocol.


The couple (ip, port) source of the message


The error message of the message if the message is and erro message


The error number of the message if the message is and erro message


The q key of the message, should only be define if the message is a query (y is "q"). It countains the name of the RPC method the query is asking for. Can be b’ping’`, b'find_node', b'get_peers', b'announce_peer', …


The t key, a random string, transaction id used to match queries and responses together.


The v key of the message. This attribute is not describe in the BEP5 that describe the bittorent DHT protocol. It it use as a version flag. Many bittorent client set it to the name and version of the client.


The y` key of the message. Possible value are ``"q" for a query, “r” for a response and "e" for an error.


Allow to fetch infos from the secondary dictionnary:

self[b"id"] -> b"..."
Parameters:key (bytes) – The name of an attribute of the secondary dictionnary to retreive.
Returns:The value store for key if found
Raises:KeyError – if key is not found
Possible keys are:
  • id
  • target
  • info_hash
  • token
  • nodes
  • implied_port
  • port
  • values

Allow to unset attributes from the secondary dictionnary:

del self[b'id']

:param :param bytes key: The name of an attribute of the secondary dictionnary to unset :return: True if key is found and successfully unset :raise KeyError: if key is not found

__setitem__(key, value)

Allow to set attributes from the secondary dictionnary:

self[b'id'] = b"..."
  • key (bytes) – The name of an attribute of the secondary dictionnary to set
  • value – The value to set
  • KeyError – if key is not one of id, target, info_hash, token, nodes, implied_port, port, values.
  • ValueError – if value is not well formated (length, type, …)
decode(data, datalen)

Bdecode a bencoded message and set the current BMessage attributes accordingly

  • data (bytes) – The bencoded message
  • datalen (int) – The length of data

The remaining of data after the first bencoded message of data has been bdecoded (it may be the empty string if data contains exactly one bencoded message with no garbade at the end).

  • DecodeError – If we fail to decode the message
  • ProtocolError – If the message is decoded but some attributes are missing of badly formated (length, type, …).
  • MissingT – If the message do not have a b"t" key. Indeed, accordingly to the BEP5, every message (queries, responses, errors) should have a b"t" key.

Bencoded the current message if necessary

Returns:The bencoded message
Return type:bytes
get(key, default=None)
  • key (bytes) – The name of an attribute of the secondary dictionnary to retreive.
  • default – Value to return in case key is not found. The default is None

The value of key if found, else the value of default.


If the message is a query, return the response message to send


dht (dht.DHT_BASE) – The dht instance from which the message is originated


A BMessage to send as response to the query

  • ProtocolError – if the query is malformated. To send as response to the querier
  • MethodUnknownError – If the RPC DHT method asked in the query is unknown. To send as response to the querier